Automated Streaming Scoreboard
For a small in-app purchase, you can provide an on-line scoreboard to all of your fans (internet access at the race site is required). After activation, simply direct your fans and spectators to point their mobile device browsers to where your event will be listed. Once activated (purchased) simply connect to your scoreboard (click of a button). As your race is scored, all team and individual results will be automatically streamed in real-time to your scoreboard allowing race fans to enjoy and watch projected results stream by in real-time as your race is scored via the orchestrated laptops.
- Note that one of the fundamental principles of xcscoreboard is to keep network traffic as low as possible. Even though internet is essentially available everywhere with mobile networks, connectivity can be unreliable and data costs can add up. The xcscoreboard app was built so that it can stream results even in low bandwidth internet connections. Since bandwidth is kept low, even a large race can be scored and streamed using only a few megabytes of your data cap.
- Personal note:
Currently I connect my race laptops to each other and to the internet using a T-Mobile hotspot that I purchased at a big box store for around $20. For each race, I activate it for that day only with a 500 MB data cap costing only $5. If you have a hotspot capable mobile phone, you could just use that device (make sure always keep your phone near the finish line scoring table during the race).