Creating/Importing the Chip/Bib Mapping Table
- Importing the Mapping Table
In order to use the timing system, the chips used for timing must be mapped to bib#’s via a Chip/Bib mapping file. If you already have a mapping file in CSV, Excel or Google Sheets format, you can import using the buttons in the console. The Excel or Google Sheets worksheet you import must have the fields in the same order as listed in the mapping table. For the CSV file, the Bib# and Chip ID fields can be in either order.
- Manual Entry of Mapping Table
If you do not have a mapping file, you can read the chips into the mapping table while in “Edit Mode”.
- Connect to your timing system.
- Make sure “Edit Mode” is checked. This ensures that chip reads are entered in the Chip/Bib Mapping table and not the Bibs/Timing table (note that this mode should be unchecked during actual races).
- You can choose to have 1 or 2 chips per bib, e.g., runners may wear two shoe chips (one per foot) that map to one bib#, or one chip that attaches to the bib. Click the “Chips/Bib = X” button to toggle that option. This will control the bib increment as you scan chips into the table.
- In the first row of the Chip/Bib Mapping table, enter your starting/lowest bib#. Then begin scanning the chips. They will automatically and incrementally be assigned a bib#.
- After you have built the Chip/Bib Mapping table, uncheck the Edit Mode checkbox so that subsequent chip reads will be entered into the Bibs/Timing table.
- You can also export the Chip/Bib Mapping table to csv or Excel for importation into another xcscoreboard race file.
- Note that xcscoreboard is configured so that a chip will be read and recorded in the Chip Readings table repeatedly (multiple times), however, once a chip has been read, it will not read and record again in the Chip Readings table for 10 seconds.
- Also note, that once a Bib# has been recorded in the Bibs/Timing sheet, the timing system will NOT record it a second time in the Bibs/Timing sheet.